Rick Gagnon, CRSP, HMBI, WWTIII, WDI, JIBC – EM/ED,     

WorkSafe BC ASB Level 2, 3 & S Certified

Rick is a Qualified Professional, CRSP, WWT III, WD I, HMBI. Rick specialties in Confined Space risk assessments, classifications, rescue plans, safe work procedures, exposure control plans and WSBC applications. Rick’s background in safety makes him an intuitive Qualified Professional (QP), Hazardous Material Building Inspector and Site Mentor. He also custom builds and deliveries JOHS Training and Safety ProgramTraining.

As a Safety and Emergency Management Systems Specialist, Rick is able to assist companies in navigating towards a robust safety and emergency management system. Rick is a Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP) and has also been trained at the Justice Institute for Emergency Management and Exercise Design. Rick will often work in the field alongside clients as a mentor for asbestos abatement sites, asbestos management planning and WorkSafeBC compliance. Rick has in depth experience working in all sectors like the municipal government, townships, private, commercial and industrial.

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rickgagnon/