WorkSafe Documents Development
WorkSafeBC is the regulatory agency of British Columbia in place to prevent occupational injury and disease through the Workers Compensation Act and Occupational Health & Safety Regulation. In addition to complying with WorkSafeBC requirements through worksafe documents development, your organization must be able to demonstrate due diligence to WorkSafeBC in response to an audit, inspection or incident investigation.
Our team of experienced and professional consultants are able to advise your organization of requirements and documentation needed to meet compliance of the Workers Compensation Act and Occupational Health & Safety Regulation.
Worksafe Compliance & Non-Compliance Orders or Penalties
If WorkSafeBC has inspected your workplace and has issued an order or penalty, you will require action to comply.
Our team of experienced and professional consultants are able to work with your organization to complete the actions required. Antiquity Environmental Consulting Ltd. has helped many clients obtain and maintain compliance with WorkSafeBC.
Risk Assessments
As an employer, you need to conduct a systematic risk assessment to help you identify the hazards that exist in your workplace, and how they may put your workers at risk. A Risk Assessment is the overall process of hazard identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation. Risk assessments are a proactive process designed to ensure workers are protected. Specific risk assessment requirements for organizations in B.C. are defined in different parts of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation.
Exposure Control Plans (ECP Documents)
Exposure Control Plan (ECP) is a document created to an identified risk, and it documents the specific and appropriate controls that will minimize or eliminate that risk. WorkSafeBC regulations require employers to create and implement ECPs. Our team of consultants have a wealth of knowledge and experiences in developmenting all types of exposure control plans.
Safe Work Procedures (SWP Documents)
Safe Work Procedures are required when the risk of injury to workers performing a job task cannot be eliminated. They provide your workers with instructions on how to carry out specific tasks and how to protect themselves against known hazards. SWPs should be developed and maintained by Qualified people. Employers must ensure Safe Work Procedures are readily available for workers to reference.
Respiratory Programs
Employers are required to establish and maintain a respirator program if a risk assessment has identified a breathing hazard. In accordance with WorkSafeBC Regulation 8.32, a respirator is required if a worker is or might be exposed to hazardous air contaminants in the workplace. Our qualified team can help your company develop a respiratory program and conduct employee respirator fit testing to meet standards acceptable with WorkSafeBC.
Safety Manuals
Regulators in Canada require every company who employs even one person to have a written safety program. Provincial (WorkSafeBC) and Federal Regulators share a common theme in REQUIRING appropriate documentation and process for workplace safety.
WorkSafeBC requires that EVERY COMPANY provide a written safety program that outlines the acceptable procedures and cautions of their workplace. In addition to the general safety outlines, you must provide a program for any site-specific hazards.
A company’s health and safety manual is an outline for an overall workplace safety program. Developing a health and safety manual protects workers and makes good business sense because of the following:
- Reduction of human and financial costs due to workplace injuries.
- Comply with provincial regulatory requirements
- Improved health and safety culture.
- Development of an effective management system for occupational health and safety and return to work (RTW) programs.
- Financial incentives in the form of rebates on WorkSafeBC premiums. Employers who earn COR certification (an integral part of which is the development of a health and safety manual) can receive rebates of 10% of their WorkSafeBC base assessment.
- Employers who earn the RTW COR certification (which requires RTW manual development) can receive an additional 5%.
- These rebates are paid directly from WorkSafeBC in the year following COR certification.
- Certifying bodies such as CSABC and FIOSA-MISOA provide excellent resources and training for companies seeking a certificate of recognition (COR) status.